Process of Monetization of Endless Runner

You can understand these things by analyzing this game closely; you can imagine mobile game, when a character runs on an infinite path. The further the character gets, soft current & points a player can get. A player can use points to boast about soft currency and top scores to improve character. Therefore, we can achieve target by eliminating all risk of players ‘running out’ these contents. All these kinds of games are perfect for modern game’s developer.   Actually, this infinite or endless runner is making it huge in store. You can Buy Endless Runner Clone.
Let’s understand with an example, like Temple Run by studio has downloaded 170 million times. Temple Run 2 has top position on iOS. ‘Subway Surfers’ is another example by Kiloo. It was launched in 2012. It was established with grossing title.  It is Jetpack Joyride by ‘Half-rbick studioes’ that was also launched in 2011. it can be huge number sequence however game I served as ‘benchmark’ for most of infinite runners to come.   As the success that a title had there is tough competition in general. Some luke ‘subway surfers’ make it however some other  like personal favorite ‘storm of train’.
Endless Runner

Breaking Down Monetization (Endless Runner Clone)  
Endless or infinite runner is not linked with new contents that makes perfect as free to play model. Profit is dependent on main 3 factors like percentage of paying players, active players and average size of purchase made. The retained player and combination of new play make an active player that is base of mobile game. It has many factors that affects like featuring, acquisition and cross promotion etc. However in this article, we can focus on some issues. We’re not talking about profit of players as endless or infinite runners.
1-      Theme
It is important for an app’s store that fills with free titles due to 2 things. First, you can download themes. You should consider these types. You can use private game in Store. You can relate pirates with guns, ships, parrots, treasures, fun stuff and wooden legs. Secondly, a theme must be strong. You can make your own design that can be easily converted into retention. Specifically, in private Mobile game you’ve to explain to player about task’s instructions. Theme is something we as developer on Android and iOS title tends to fail at. You can strive to create or develop games that are loved by people to play. It can be played on PC. Thus creating games we love to play or manage our own artwork. We need theme to get success. for example clash of clans, Guantlet, Zeld, gun machine, dragons, or lord of rings.
2-      Controls 
A developer can get benefits from game that are big, sharp and have sensitive screen’s touch. However not in this case, often we like to Play Games as for us we can’t obtain casual games like Ninetendo 8.
3-      Progress sense
Fast tracking progress is that monetizes in free to play games. You need to follow good start that is dramatically good for your game. A rapid progress is required. You can achieve your target. Adding new character, daily mission to update and unlock it.
4-      Competition
A perfect way to being demand for fats tracking is to encourage a player to compare progress with competitors. You need top scores. You can place ads as well, you need to buy Endless Runner clone.
