
Showing posts from April, 2018

What is Open Source and Android Source Code?

In this article, we’ll explain what is an open source? Open source software is that makes code available freely for people to use and see. Firms, universities and individuals and some entities create projects and use license of open source then use license of open source code now you can mention code. Now license determines how other can use source code to share information and modifications. Online Shopping There’re various open source license which have different conditions from GNU- a general public license that allows free distribution with some conditions with new App Development are managed under once license- to more licenses such as Apache license, this doesn’t need changes and have source code available. Android uses both license and you can see more details about it.   Open source and Android source code! The Linux kernel which is used in Android source code and covered with GPL, it means you can make changes in source code should be available if a bi...

Mobile App Development Progress in 2018

In initial days of mobiles especially smartphones, the first firms or enterprise was an informational app in public app’s store and it is designed for customer. As these companies have also evolved to   Develop Apps   that automate, streamline or re-invent client’s facing and employee’s centric business methods. Now companies with increasing demand from business for apps, you can see emergence of development tools which authorize the developer. It also enables the business to move further with new targets or initiatives. The pace of chance is insistent and mobile is seen like less of standalone app’s project. Also it’s integral to digital imitative which spans the IOT (Internet of things), data analytics, and business project management and augmented. Some new areas are also gains attention. We consider its growth in 20017 to 2018 is artificial intelligence and ambient intelligence. Mobile’s Growth & getting smarter( Mobile App Development ) When it continue...

Categories of Social Dating Apps and Location Based Dating App

In our previous articles, we’ve mentioned or explained about dating apps, here we’re providing  guide  on how to get an initial traction of  user  and keep user’s base growing. Today, we’ll look  on  techniques which are used by popular social dating apps. You need to follow them in your practical life, if required any   Location Based Dating  or social dating apps. Let’s say you can develop a social dating app and its start-up. Now you need to open key to success in dating app maker. Tinder- High quality and Personal Approach It was launched in 2012 by Inter-Active-Corp; it needs users by targeting a demo and then depends on word of mouth. We’ve noted 3 main factors that are presentation, launch parties and overall quality of mobile app. Tinder was started by new students of university and they have started campus and promoting  the new social or location based dating in fraternities and local sororities. CMO of tinder, ‘Whitney W...